Unable to withdraw ETH staked for Manta pradigm airdrop

I had staked 0.4 ETH on Manta paradigm which I am unable to withdraw now. I neither got any STONE back. Can I seek help in withdrawing this please?

Address - 0xa7fE0f13642E48E26d43b1cCf75992Bc613fb8fC

Hey, follow this guide please - when unstaking choose instant method. Let me know if you have any other issues

Hi @Keithbm, thanks for this. I will try and get back

Hi @Keithbm I tried “Instant Method” via stakestone, however my wallet address has nothing to unstake, looking for you further guidance on this

Hey, we need to check out, share your wallet address please

@Keithbm Here is my wallet address… 0xa7fE0f13642E48E26d43b1cCf75992Bc613fb8fC

Hello, I have checked out on Manta explorer - it is shown that your 0.398 Eth were transferred out 4 months ago. You can check out yourself

check out please if this transaction was not made by you

Same issue here, staked 0.4eth, didn’t get any Stone. Cant withdraw. Try to follow your guide, wallet has nothing to unstake.

Wallet address: 0x436379BdD8FfeCB46e948CC863da0f6fe9574A0d

I checked your Manta explorer, cant even find the deposit 0.4eth in transaction record… what’s going on? Stucked in this for 6months, got nothing, cant even find my staked eth…

Hey, it looks like this wallet you have shared never participated in the new paradigm, there are no transactions and in your screenshot is clearly visible that you bridged 0 Ethereum